The Harmony, PA Shamrock Shuffle and the best cookies on Earth
Whoever invented snickerdoodles should be Czar of the world. There are few things in life I find better than perfectly baked snickerdoodles, especially after a particularly successful half marathon. I don’t know who invented them, but it’s possible the name has German origins, or just a meaningless made up name from New England. Anyway, before this becomes a post about the sweetness of cookies, I’ll move on, just know that if you bring snickerdoodles to a race, I’d like to be your friend. This St. Patrick’s Day, Harmony, PA played host to a holiday road running event: The Shamrock Shuffle. Three races; a half marathon, 5k, and 1 miler, for a total of 17 miles if you wanted to elect to do all three. You see what they did there? Clever, and fun if you don’t mind brutalizing your legs on a 19 degree morning in March. I like brutalizing my legs on 19 degree days in March so I signed up for all three and got to it. The 10th annual Harmony, PA Shamrock Shuffle 7:30...