Nowhere Without Friends: The Frosty Feet 5k
After pacing in my snow-covered driveway for a few minutes waiting on the Garmin to connect to GPS satellites, I was finally ready to knock out this run. I pressed the button, the timer started and I launched in the snow and slush in the aftermath of Winter Storm Liam. That first step is when I heard the “pop” in my ankle. “Oh that can’t be good” I thought to myself. In typical idiot fashion I kept on running. I had miles behind me and miles more to run after all. I started the week feeling pretty darn good. I had put a 6 mile training run to foot with The Commander and some good friends over the weekend. One girl, we will call her Silver because her initials are AG, and I run together because we run at the same pace and she pushes me. It was a good run with good friends and everything I thought I needed to be ready for the Moraine State Park Frosty Feet 5k trail run the following weekend. My plan was to maybe run once during the week, but maybe not. It has been referred...